SurvivalHax Tactical Flashlight Review
Survival Hax Makes an amazing rechargeable tactical LED flashlight. I honestly didn't even know there were rechargeable flashlights. In our house we go through flashlights like crazy, my youngest boys love playing with any and all things that light up, they usually break said light up thing fairly fast as well. We usually have to hide any flashlight we get but all that does is make sure we can't find one when we need it.
So if you are looking for a good sturdy flashlight that is lightweight and rechargeable you can't go wrong with this one. The price is great too. You can find this flashlight on amazon
and also at survival hax web page
Here is my youtube video showing that this flashlight is waterproof and can handle my car driving over it.
I was given this product at a discount to provide you with my honest review. Everything that is in this post are my honest opinions.